What Pool Types Are Ideal for Beatbot robotic?

The Beatbot is designed to clean all sorts of pool types efficiently and thus is universally adaptable for many diverse types of residential and commercial pool configurations. As would be expected, it works great on in-ground pools, which represent about 80% of residential installations in the U.S., according to the Pool & Spa Warehouse 2022 report. Beatbot is ideal for inground pools made of concrete, fiberglass, or vinyl linings; it scrubs through all sorts of pool edges because of its advanced sensors and robust design. The Beatbot also does admirably in irregularly shaped pool designs. In fact, according to a 2021 study conducted by PoolTech, robotic cleaners like the Beatbot clean non-traditional pool shapes, such as kidney-shaped or freeform pools, with a cleaning efficiency rate of over 90%, compared to just 65% for traditional manual vacuums. That is because of the smart navigation system, adjusting its pattern of cleaning according to the whole pool surface and any shape, hence being perfect for pools featuring steps, ledges, and deep ends.

This ranges in pool size from 300 square feet up to 2,000 square feet for the Beatbot, which covers most residential pools. It would take a cleaner of this class around 2.5 hours to get a pool that size cleaned. Multiple units or even an advanced model would be necessary for much larger commercial pools to keep efficiency up.

It is also compatible with pools that have different types of debris, including leaves, dirt, and small particles. As Pool Care Weekly gathered customer feedback, users of the Beatbot reported a dramatic reduction in pool debris, especially in areas with heavy foliage. The robot’s powerful filtration system can trap particles as small as 2 microns, ensuring a crystal-clear pool environment.

The above models are also perfect for Beatbots, but not quite for bigger ground pools, particularly soft-sided ones or with relatively smaller filter systems. But when it comes to stronger above ground models that are solid-bottomed and wall-made of thicker walls, the Beatbot might even do well in pools as small as under 1,000 square feet.

Conclusion The Beatbot will work for inground pools, especially those of concrete, fiberglass, or vinyl surface, and of different shapes and sizes. Its performance in most pool types places it in the higher rank to ensure efficiency in cleaning.

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